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 Page Description

How do I submit a FAQ to be answered?

At the bottom of this page there is the option to "Ask a Question" to be answered and then posted in the FAQ section.

You can type in the title of your question in the "Question Title" box, and then you can type the description of your question in the "Question Body" box.

Once you are finished, click the "Submit Question" button to send your question to us. All of the questions that are submitted are completely anonymous, meaning we will not know who sent us the question.

If you would just like to ask a question, here is a link to the bottom of the page.

How long will it take for me to get an answer back?

Once you submit a FAQ to us, we will then consult a panel of volunteer experts to find out the answer. The panel has doctors, physical trainers, dieticians, psychologists, etc. who have volunteered to help answer the questions that are submitted.

We will try to have answers up as quickly as possible. However, depending on how complicated the question is and how long it takes to get a response from our panel, the response could take a week or more before it is posted. If you submit a question and don't see a response within 1-2 weeks. Please feel free to reach out to us directly in the "Contact Us" section of the App, or post your question in the "Forum" section.

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