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Mobile Phone-Use Training for Seniors

As technology continues to advance at the speed of light, we want to make sure that our participating seniors have the knowledge on how to use their phones to the fullest. This does not just mean for texting and calling but also learning how to customize their phones to make them accessible for their needs.

In our mobile training program, each person receives a coach that will walk them through how to text, call, and personalize their phone.  Additionally, our program will also teach our seniors on how to avoid scams and protect their personal information.  By doing so, we hope to empower our participants and allow them to have another way to connect with others.

“The phone training was so helpful! My daughter gave me this phone, but she didn’t teach me how to use it. Now I feel more confident playing around with it!”

“Health Smart gave me the chance to attend panels with real doctors, so that I could ask any questions I wanted!”

“I was able to text and send my first picture ever to my grandson!”

© Health-Smart Hollistic Health for Seniors 2022
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